Friday, September 12, 2014

Actively Nerdy Schedule Change

Hey everyone! So something very exciting happened recently, which is going to cause a few changes to how I update. I got hired!
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Yes, I have found full time employment! Which means the usual posting time of "Noon or pretty close to it" isn't going to work anymore.

I'll still be posting once a week, but here's how this is going to work. While I'm still playing around with my own schedule and getting into a routine, it may not always be Wednesday. I'll be playing around and trying to figure out what the best day for it is, and I'll announce it as soon as I can. However, I will be posting each day to launch at 12AM, and giving a heads up on Facebook the night before and an official announcement when I get the chance after work.

pokemon animated GIFThings are going to get a bit hectic for a while, but there's no way I'm going to stop Actively Nerdy. As I enter this new chapter in my life, all I ask is for is your patience while I try and normalize the schedule. Thank you all for reading, and wish me luck!

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